Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Revealing Experience

I start this by saying WARNING WARNING...some images may be slightly disturbing ...hahahaha.  Okay so not really.  Last weekend the females in my family enjoyed a unique pampering experience. I have a friend who provides an awesome service. She is a certified skin analyst ... Sure EmBee...loads of fun, yeah yeah yeah I hear you, BUT it really was.  I set the appointment for all of the ladies in the house (but guess what men, you can do it too!!) specifically with the thought of helping my youngest daughter start on the right path to healthy skin care.  You see she is about to turn that preteen age where things start changing and those lovely things we call " hormones" start kicking in, so in planning this I though HEY I want to do this too! So needless to say we ALL got to experience the skin revelations! The appointment started with a very thorough questionnaire (okay well here goes)  and then individually for privacy sake we taken into the MACHINE ..hahahaha.  There your skin is scanned with an Ultraviolet light, and let me tell you NOTHING gets past the purple light of revelation (yes I am sure its more technical than that but thats the EmBee shortened . ( The ideal  is for you to be a nice even purple under the light.. (like this photo....BEAUTIFUL)

(Isn't she sweet for letting me post this ) She just had a little bit of dryness and that is all.... Mine (now don't scream in horror) was definitely less even hahahaha,Every variation in shading means something, anywhere from clogged pores, to dryness and so much more....It is quite obvious my skin care plan wasn't working. (oops)  The blessing is I was not left without hope ( I know I know isn't that wonderful).  My very sweet analyst was able to recommend a custom skin care plan for me, my girls and my mom ( Yes you only see two willing pictures for the BLOG) .  The cool thing is it is customized to my skin needs. Hey why should I buy a four step something if my skin needs call for two....or I need more this or that and less of something else.  Seriously customized skin analyzing makes complete sense!!!   Okay now we haven't even taked about the blemish tool that zaps a pimple and makes it disappear within 24 hours or LESS and the light up lip gloss...LOVE at first sight. Regardless of whether or not you use the products (which are really fantab, reasonable and rated in the top five) the skin analysis is soooo worth the time and price ..(which is alot less that a dematologist). Triad NC fans ...schedule an appointment and tell her EmBee aka MaryBeth sent you)...     okay guys can't wait to show you the eight week follow up pics ..I am sure they will look a whole lot better :)
